We are a group of dancers horrified and angered by the climate crisis.
We are a group of activists wary of the narrative that art cannot be a lucrative tool for change.
We believe in the power of collective art-making to draw us out of our hopeless and individual mindsets, and to allow us to form connections as a collective body that are greater than the sum of our independent efforts.
We are dedicated to channeling our collective sweat into direct action outside the studio, and through performance, inspiring those in our community to join in.
movement prompt: what is your favorite ocean memory? How can we honor our individual relationships with the sea in community? How can we use that power to inspire our larger community to take action? 🐋

photo by Veronica Spann
creative solutions
collective sweat
climate clarity * community art * collective sweat *
climate clarity * community art * collective sweat *
We take inspiration from advocacy group All We Can Save and their process, Climate Wayfinding. Outlined as an immersive experience for people looking to find community and clarity on their journey in climate activism, Climate Wayfinding provides us with a model for our practice of collective movement in pursuit of a life-giving future.